Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My first post: An Introduction

I was recently told by a dear friend that maybe I should start putting my thoughts on the web.  My guess is he is tired of getting the occasional ranting text, and would rather peruse my thoughts at his leisure.  Or maybe he genuinely believes that others would be moderately interested.  Perhaps he is just stroking my ego.  Regardless, I decided to give it a try. 

These last few years I have been ruminating on why I believe what I do.  Where did these convictions come from?  More importantly, I have seriously attempted to correct the numerous conflicting beliefs that I had developed over almost thirty years of modern life.  Cognitive dissonance is a fact of life for most of us, and I realized that I did not really have consistent personal convictions.  Based on what I say I value, where am I deluding myself?  Often times, I realize I needed to take off rose-colored spectacles.  Equally often, I asked myself why I was so pessimistic on an issue.

I have found this both exhilarating and painful.  It is not fun to realize that half the time you are being an idiot...

That is more than enough.  I don't know exactly what I will be writing as I move forward with this experiment.  As is often said, oftentimes it is the journey, and not the destination that is the reward.   

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