Friday, May 11, 2012

I feel like writing.

I suppose that blogs exist because people feel the need to express themselves in the written form.  People have kept journals, written letters, posted broadsides, expounded their philosophies, and generally written astronomical amounts of, well, everything, since someone somewhere figured out how to propagate information in the written form.

What drives us to this singularly human endeavor?  Are we so vain that we think everyone and their mother wants to know what we think? Or does it actually bring value to others and society?  Why do we care to immortalize our thoughts?  No offense, but I think that most people's thoughts are pretty much destined for the compost pile of history.  Hell, mine may very well be included in that group.  Still, that does not stop those of us who have this itch from making the attempt. 

Now I know a lot of folk reading this (OK, by that I mean the few people I have told of this blog and the few folk who randomly stumble across it) are going to say MEMES! We want to share our idea's because that is the nature of the beast!  Much like our genes, memes want to propagate and endure as long as they are better than the rest out in the meme-sphere where they compete.  So there, right?  I have answered my question and this post is pretty much done, right?


What is it that makes us want to share our ideas?  Why do better idea's seem to win the day?  I am not going to go into this in depth, but if you want to read a very, very insightful discussion regarding this topic, check out David Deutsche's book The Beginning of Infinity (thank you my good friend C. Dibble for sending me this book btw!).  I will admit, some of the book, especially regarding quantum theory and the like were at the limit of my understanding (maybe even beyond it), but his idea's on the nature of knowledge are very interesting and personally, spot on.  I especially enjoyed his discussion on the nature of memes and their different types.  Memes can either hold a society back or drive it forward.  For most of human history, the former have been prevalent.  It is only when we accept those that drive progress that we see the kind of progress that has really been the norm since the Renaissance.  Still, it is people, the building block of society, that must accept and perpetuate these ideas.  We are influenced by ideas, by memes; this does not mean we are entirely subjugated by them.

Take control of your life, and by extension, take control of the world.  It is a cliche, but no man is an island.  This does not merely mean that we are not impervious to the world around us, it also means that we have an impact.  Our actions have an influence on others to some degree or another.  Hopefully, this is positive in nature and leads to the betterment of society.  Ultimately, I believe in living a life that is most beneficial to MYSELF.  However, I know that this can be done in a way that makes the world better for others or worse.  If it manifests itself in a way that does not better others lives, then I have in all likelihood made things worse for my offspring, and thus, am undermining my own gene's future (hmmm, even I do not really know how I have meandered to this particular conclusion).  Still, I stand by what I say.  Short term thinking and actions rarely have a positive long term impact.  Only by first developing a code of values that looks beyond immediate gratification can we make our lives, and this world, a better place.

OK, enough pontificating.  Soon I must needs continue this last post's concept in more detail.  I will admit it leaves me in an untenable position regarding my strident beliefs as regards individualism, etc.  Still, I stand by what I have said.  I suppose a good way to sum this all up is that individualism is the most appropriate way to approach society.  Otherwise how else would we affect change?

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." ~ Bertrand de Jouvenel

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